Tuesday 15 May 2012

Lehman Brothers

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (former NYSE ticker attribute LEH) ( /ˈliːmən/) was a all-around cyberbanking casework firm. Before declaring defalcation in 2008, Lehman was the fourth better investment coffer in the USA (behind Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch), accomplishing business in investment banking, disinterestedness and fixed-income sales and trading (especially U.S. Treasury securities), research, investment management, clandestine equity, and clandestine banking.

On September 15, 2008, the close filed for Chapter 11 defalcation aegis afterward the massive departure of a lot of of its clients, desperate losses in its stock, and abasement of its assets by acclaim appraisement agencies. The filing apparent the better defalcation in U.S. history,4 and is anticipation to accept played a above role in the advance of the late-2000s all-around cyberbanking crisis. The afterward day, Barclays appear its acceding to purchase, accountable to authoritative approval, Lehman's North American investment-banking and trading capacity forth with its New York address building.56 On September 20, 2008, a revised adaptation of that acceding was accustomed by US Defalcation Court Judge James M. Peck.7 The next week, Nomura Holdings appear that it would access Lehman Brothers' authorization in the Asia-Pacific region, including Japan, Hong Kong and Australia,8 as able-bodied as Lehman Brothers' investment cyberbanking and equities businesses in Europe and the Middle East. The accord became able on October 13, 2008


Under the Lehman ancestors (1850–1969)

Emanuel and Mayer Lehman

In 1844, 23-year-old Henry Lehman,10 the son of a beasts merchant, emigrated to the United States from Rimpar, Bavaria.11 He acclimatized in Montgomery, Alabama,10 breadth he opened a dry-goods store, "H. Lehman".12 In 1847, afterward the accession of his brother Emanuel Lehman, the close became "H. Lehman and Bro."13 With the accession of their youngest brother, Mayer Lehman, in 1850, the close afflicted its name afresh and "Lehman Brothers" was founded.1214

During the 1850s, affection was one of the a lot of important crops in the United States. Capitalizing on cotton's top bazaar value, the three brothers began to commonly acquire raw affection from barter as transaction for merchandise, eventually alpha a additional business trading in cotton. Aural a few years this business grew to become the a lot of cogent allotment of their operation. Afterward Henry's afterlife from chicken agitation in 1855,1215 the actual brothers connected to focus on their commodities-trading/brokerage operations.

By 1858, the centermost of affection trading had confused from the South to New York City, breadth factors and agency houses were based. Lehman opened its aboriginal annex appointment in New York City's Manhattan apple at 119 Liberty Street,15 and 32-year-old Emanuel relocated there to run the office.12 In 1862, adverse difficulties as a aftereffect of the Civil War, the close teamed up with a affection merchant called John Durr to anatomy Lehman, Durr & Co.1617 Afterward the war the aggregation helped accounts Alabama's reconstruction. The firm's address were eventually confused to New York City, breadth it helped activate the New York Affection Barter in 1870;1518 Emanuel sat on the Lath of Governors until 1884. The close aswell dealt in the arising bazaar for railroad bonds and entered the financial-advisory business.

Herbert H. Lehman

Official U.S. Senate Photo

Lehman became a affiliate of the Coffee Barter as aboriginal as 1883 and assuredly the New York Banal Barter in 1887.1518 In 1899, it underwrote its aboriginal accessible offering, the adopted and accepted banal of the International Steam Pump Company.

Despite the alms of International Steam, the firm's absolute about-face from getting a bolt abode to a abode of affair did not activate until 1906. In that year, beneath Philip Lehman, the close partnered with Goldman, Sachs & Co.,1920 to accompany the Accepted Cigar Co. to market,21 followed carefully by Sears, Roebuck and Company.21 During the afterward two decades, about one hundred new issues were underwritten by Lehman, abounding times in affiliation with Goldman, Sachs. A part of these were F.W. Woolworth Company,2122 May Department Stores Company, Gimbel Brothers, Inc.,23 R.H. Macy & Company,23 The Studebaker Corporation,22 the B.F. Goodrich Co. and Endicott Johnson Corporation.

Following Philip Lehman's retirement in 1925, his son Robert "Bobbie" Lehman took over as arch of the firm. During Bobbie's tenure, the aggregation asperous the basic crisis of the Great Depression by absorption on adventure basic while the equities bazaar recovered.

Traditionally, a family-only partnership, in 1924 John M. Hancock became the aboriginal non-family affiliate to accompany the firm,1924 followed by Monroe C. Gutman and Paul Mazur in 1927. By 1928, the close confused to its now acclaimed One William Street location.

Pete Peterson

In the 1950s, Lehman underwrote the IPO of Digital Equipment Corporation.

In the 1930s, Lehman underwrote the antecedent accessible alms of the aboriginal television manufacturer, DuMont, and helped armamentarium the Radio Corporation of America (RCA).25 It aswell helped accounts the rapidly growing oil industry, including the companies Halliburton and Kerr-McGee. Later, it abiding the accretion of Digital by Compaq.

editAn evolving affiliation (1969–1984)

Robert Lehman died in 1969 afterwards 44 years as the ancestor of the firm, abrogation no affiliate of the Lehman ancestors actively complex with the partnership.26 Robert's death, accompanying with a abridgement of a bright almsman from aural the Lehman ancestors larboard a abandoned in the company. At the aforementioned time, Lehman was adverse able headwinds amidst the difficult bread-and-butter ambiance of the aboriginal 1970s. By 1972, the close was adverse harder times and in 1973, Pete Peterson, Administrator and Chief Executive Officer of the Bell & Howell Corporation, was brought in to save the firm.26

Under Peterson's administration as Administrator and CEO, the close acquired Abraham & Co. in 1975, and two years afterwards alloyed with the venerable, but struggling, Kuhn, Loeb & Co.,26 to anatomy Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc., the country's fourth-largest investment bank, abaft Salomon Brothers, Goldman Sachs and Aboriginal Boston.27 Peterson led the close from cogent operating losses to 5 afterwards years of almanac profits with a acknowledgment on disinterestedness a part of the accomplished in the investment-banking industry.

By the aboriginal 1980s, hostilities amid the firm's investment bankers and traders (who were active a lot of of the firm's profits) prompted Peterson to advance Lewis Glucksman, the firm's President, COO and above trader, to be his co-CEO in May 1983. Glucksman alien a amount of changes that had the aftereffect of accretion tensions, which if accompanying with Glucksman’s administration appearance and a abatement in the markets, resulted in a ability attempt that ousted Peterson and larboard Glucksman as the sole CEO.28

Upset bankers who had soured over the ability struggle, larboard the company. Steve Schwarzman, administrator of the firm's M&A committee, recalled in a February 2003 account with Clandestine Disinterestedness International that "Lehman Brothers had an acutely advancing centralized environment, which ultimately became dysfunctional." The aggregation suffered beneath the disintegration, and Glucksman was pressured into diplomacy the firm.

editMerger with American Express (1984–1994)

Shearson Lehman/American Express Logo

Main article: Shearson Lehman Hutton

Shearson/American Express, an American Express-owned balance aggregation focused on allowance rather than investment banking, acquired Lehman in 1984, for $360 million. On May 11, the accumulated firms became Shearson Lehman/American Express.28 In 1988, Shearson Lehman/American Express and E.F. Hutton & Co. alloyed as Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc.29

From 1983 to 1990, Peter A. Cohen was CEO and Administrator of Shearson Lehman Brothers,30 breadth he led the one billion dollar acquirement of E.F. Hutton to anatomy Shearson Lehman Hutton.31 During this period, Shearson Lehman was advancing in architecture its leveraged accounts business in the archetypal of battling Drexel Burnham Lambert. In 1989, Shearson backed F. Ross Johnson's administration aggregation in its attempted administration buyout of RJR Nabisco but were ultimately outbid by clandestine disinterestedness close Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, who was backed by Drexel.

editDivestment and ability (1994–2008)

In 1993, beneath anew appointed CEO, Harvey Golub, American Express began to broke itself of its cyberbanking and allowance operations. It awash its retail allowance and asset administration operations to Primerica32 and in 1994 it spun off Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb in an antecedent accessible offering, as Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.33

Despite rumors that it would be acquired again, Lehman performed absolutely able-bodied beneath Administrator and CEO Richard S. Fuld, Jr.. By 2008, Fuld had been with the aggregation for 30 years, and would be the longest-tenured CEO on Wall Street. Fuld had steered Lehman through the 1997 Asian Cyberbanking Crisis, a aeon breadth the firm's allotment amount alone to $22 USD in 1998, but he was said to accept underestimated the abatement in the US apartment bazaar and its aftereffect on Lehman's mortgage band underwriting business. Fuld kept his job as the subprime mortgage crisis took hold, while CEOs of rivals like Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, and Citigroup were affected to resign.34 In addition, Lehman's lath of directors, which includes retired CEOs like Vodafone's Christopher Gent and IBM's John Akers were afraid to claiming Fuld as the firm's allotment amount coiled lower.34

Fuld had a assumption of "number twos" beneath him, usually blue-blooded as President and Chief Operating Officer. Chris Pettit was Fuld's agent for two decades until November 26, 1996, if he accommodated as President and lath member. Pettit absent a ability attempt with his assembly (Steve Lessing, Tom Tucker, and Joseph M. Gregory) aback on March 15 that year that acquired him to abandon its COO title, acceptable brought about afterwards the three men activate about Pettit's extramarital affairs, which abandoned Fuld's accepted rules on alliance and amusing etiquette. Bradley Jack and Joseph M. Gregory were appointed co-COOs in 2002, but Jack was demoted to the Appointment of the Administrator in May 2004 and ancient in June 2005 with a severance amalgamation of $80 million, authoritative Gregory the sole COO. While Fuld was advised the "face" of Lehman brothers, Gregory was in allegation of circadian operations and he afflicted ability to drive the basal line.35 Gregory was demoted on June 12, 2008 and replaced as President and COO by Bart McDade, who had been confined as arch of Equities, and McDade would see Lehman through bankruptcy.3637

In 2001, the close acquired the private-client services, or "PCS", business of Cowen & Co.38 and later, in 2003, aggressively re-entered the asset-management business, which it had exited in 1989.39 Alpha with $2 billion in assets beneath management, the close acquired the Crossroads Group, the fixed-income analysis of Lincoln Basic Management39 and Neuberger Berman.40 These businesses, calm with the PCS business and Lehman's private-equity business, comprised the Investment Administration Division, which generated about $3.1 billion in net acquirement and about $800 actor in pretax assets in 2007. Above-mentioned to traveling bankrupt, the close had in balance of $275 billion in assets beneath management. Altogether, aback traveling accessible in 1994, the close had added net revenues over 600% from $2.73 billion to $19.2 billion and had added agent headcount over 230% from 8,500 to about 28,600.

At the 2008 ALB China Law Awards,41 Lehman Brothers was crowned:

Deal of the Year – Debt Bazaar Deal of the Year

Deal of the Year – Disinterestedness Bazaar Deal of the Year

editResponse to September 11 agitator attacks

The above New York City address now endemic by Barclays.

On September 11, 2001, Lehman active three floors of One Apple Trade Centermost breadth one of its advisers was dead in the agitator attacks of that day. Its all-around address in Three Apple Cyberbanking Centermost were acutely damaged and rendered abstract by falling debris, displacing over 6,500 employees. The coffer recovered bound and rebuilt its presence. Trading operations confused beyond the Hudson River to its Jersey City, New Jersey, facilities, breadth an ad-lib trading attic was congenital in a auberge and brought online beneath than forty-eight hours afterwards the attacks. If banal markets reopened on September 17, 2001, Lehman's sales and trading capabilities were restored.

In the after months, the close fanned out its operations beyond the New York City city breadth in over 40 acting locations. Notably, the investment-banking analysis adapted the first-floor lounges, restaurants, and all 665 guestrooms of the Sheraton Manhattan Auberge into appointment space.42

The coffer aswell experimented with flextime (to allotment appointment space) and telecommuting via basic clandestine networking. In October 2001, Lehman purchased a 32-story, 1,050,000-square-foot (98,000 m2) appointment architecture for a appear sum of $700 million. The building, amid at 745 Seventh Avenue, had afresh been completed, and not yet occupied, by battling Morgan Stanley.

With Morgan Stanley's apple address amid alone two blocks abroad at 1585 Broadway, in the deathwatch of the attacks the close was re-evaluating its appointment affairs which would accept put over 10,000 advisers in the Times Square breadth of New York City. Lehman began affective into the new ability in January and accomplished in March 2002, a move that decidedly additional assurance throughout the firm.citation needed

The close was criticized for not affective aback to its above address in lower Manhattan. Afterward the attacks, alone Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, and Merrill Lynch, of the above firms, remained in the city area. Lehman, however, credibility to the facts that it was committed to break in New York City, that the new address represented an ideal accident breadth the close was atrocious to buy and Morgan Stanley was atrocious to sell, that if the new architecture was purchased, the structural candor of Three Apple Cyberbanking Centermost had not yet been accustomed a apple-pie bill of health, and that in any case, the aggregation could not accept waited until May 2002 for aliment to Three Apple Cyberbanking Centermost to conclude.

After the attacks, Lehman's administration placed added accent on business chain planning. Unlike its rivals, the aggregation was almighty concentrated for a bulge-bracket investment bank. For example, Morgan Stanley maintains a 750,000-square-foot (70,000 m2) trading-and-banking ability in Westchester County, New York. The trading attic of UBS is amid in Stamford, Connecticut. Merrill Lynch's asset-management analysis is amid in Plainsboro Township, New Jersey. Aside from its address in Three Apple Cyberbanking Center, Lehman maintained operations-and-backoffice accessories in Jersey City, amplitude that the close advised abrogation above-mentioned to 9/11. The amplitude was not alone retained, but expanded, including the architecture of a backup-trading facility. In addition, telecommuting technology aboriginal formed out in the canicule afterward the attacks to acquiesce advisers to plan from home was broadcast and added for accepted use throughout the firm.43

edit2003 SEC litigation

In 2003, the aggregation was one of ten firms which accompanying entered into a adjustment with the U.S. Balance and Barter Agency (SEC), the Appointment of the New York State Attorney Accepted and assorted added balance regulators, apropos disproportionate access over anniversary firm's analysis analysts by its investment-banking divisions. Specifically, regulators declared that the firms had break associated analyst advantage with the firms' investment-banking revenues, and promised favorable, market-moving analysis coverage, in barter for underwriting opportunities. The settlement, accepted as the “global settlement”, provided for absolute cyberbanking penalties of $1.4 billion, including $80 actor adjoin Lehman, and structural reforms, including a complete break of investment cyberbanking departments from analysis departments, no analyst compensation, anon or indirectly, from investment-banking revenues, and the accouterment of free, independent, third-party, analysis to the firms' clients.




A March 2010 address by the court-appointed examiner adumbrated that Lehman admiral consistently acclimated corrective accounting gimmicks at the end of anniversary analysis to accomplish its affairs arise beneath all-a-quiver than they absolutely were. This convenance was a blazon of repurchase acceding that briefly removed antithesis from the company's antithesis sheet. However, clashing archetypal repurchase agreements, these deals were declared by Lehman as the absolute bargain of antithesis and created "a materially ambiguous account of the firm’s cyberbanking activity in backward 2007 and 2008."44

editSubprime mortgage crisis

In August 2007, the abutting bankrupt its subprime lender, BNC Mortgage, eliminating 1,200 positions in 23 locations, and took an after-tax allegation of $25 actor and a $27 actor abridgement in goodwill. Lehman said that poor bazaar altitude in the mortgage amplitude "necessitated a abundant abridgement in its assets and accommodation in the subprime space".45

In 2008, Lehman faced an aberrant accident to the continuing subprime mortgage crisis. Lehman's accident was a aftereffect of accepting captivated on to ample positions in subprime and added lower-rated mortgage tranches if accepting the basal mortgages; whether Lehman did this because it was artlessly clumsy to advertise the lower-rated bonds, or fabricated a acquainted accommodation to ascendancy them, is unclear. In any event, huge losses accrued in lower-rated mortgage-backed antithesis throughout 2008. In the additional budgetary quarter, Lehman appear losses of $2.8 billion and was affected to advertise off $6 billion in assets.46 In the aboriginal bisected of 2008 alone, Lehman banal absent 73% of its amount as the acclaim bazaar connected to tighten.46 In August 2008, Lehman appear that it advised to absolution 6% of its plan force, 1,500 people, just advanced of its third-quarter-reporting borderline in September.46

In September 2007, Joe Gregory appointed Eric Callan as CFO. On March 16, 2008, afterwards battling Bear Stearns was taken over by JP Morgan Chase in a blaze sale, bazaar analysts appropriate that Lehman would be the next above investment coffer to fall. Callan fielded Lehman's aboriginal analysis appointment call, area the abutting acquaint a accumulation of $489 million, compared to Citigroup's $5.1 billion and Merrill Lynch's $1.97 billion losses which was Lehman’s 55th afterwards assisting quarter. The firm's banal amount leapt 46 percent afterwards that announcement.35474849

On June 9, 2008, Lehman Brothers appear US$2.8 billion second-quarter loss, its aboriginal aback getting spun off from American Express, as bazaar animation rendered abounding of its hedges abortive during that time. Lehman aswell appear that it had aloft a added $6 billion in capital. As a result, there was above administering shakeup, if Hugh "Skip" McGee III (head of investment banking) captivated a affair with chief agents to band Fuld and his lieutenants of their authority. Consequently, Joe Gregory agreed to abandon as Admiral and COO, and afterwards he told Eric Callan that she had to abandon as CFO. Callan was appointed CFO of Lehman in 2008 but served alone for six months, afore abandonment afterwards her coach Joe Gregory was demoted.474849 Bart McDade was alleged to accomplish Gregory as Admiral and COO, as several chief admiral had threatened to leave if he was not promoted. McDade took allegation and brought aback Michael Gelband and Alex Kirk, who had ahead been pushed out of the abutting by Gregory for not demography risks, while Fuld remained CEO he anon became abandoned from McDade's team.3550

On August 22, 2008, shares in Lehman bankrupt up 5% (16% for the week) on letters that the state-controlled Korea Development Coffer was because affairs the bank.51 A lot of of those assets were bound breakable as account came in that Korea Development Coffer was "facing difficulties adorable regulators and alluring ally for the deal."52 It culminated on September 9, if Lehman's shares plunged 45% to $7.79, afterwards it was appear that the state-run South Korean abutting had put talks on hold.53

On September 17, 2008 Swiss Re estimated its all-embracing net acknowledgment to Lehman Brothers as about CHF 50 million.54

Investor aplomb connected to abrade as Lehman's banal absent almost bisected its amount and pushed the S&P 500 down 3.4% on September 9. The Dow Jones absent 300 credibility the aforementioned day on investors' apropos about the aegis of the bank.55 The U.S. government did not advertise any affairs to abetment with any accessible cyberbanking crisis that emerged at Lehman.56

The next day, Lehman appear a accident of $3.9 billion and its absorbed to advertise off a majority pale in its investment-management business, which includes Neuberger Berman.5758 The banal slid seven percent that day.5859 Lehman, afterwards beforehand abnegation questions on the bargain of the company, was reportedly analytic for a client as its banal amount alone addition 40 percent on September 11, 2008.59

Just afore the collapse of Lehman Brothers, admiral at Neuberger Berman beatific e-mail memos suggesting, a part of added things, that the Lehman Brothers' top humans abandon multi-million dollar bonuses to "send a able bulletin to both advisers and investors that administering is not abstention accountability for contempo performance."60

Lehman Brothers Investment Administering Director George Herbert Walker IV absolved the proposal, traveling so far as to in fact apologize to added associates of the Lehman Brothers controlling board for the abstraction of benefit abridgement accepting been suggested. He wrote, "Sorry team. I am not abiding what's in the baptize at Neuberger Berman. I'm ashamed and I apologize."60

editShort-selling allegations

During hearings on the defalcation filing by Lehman Brothers and bailout of AIG afore the House Board on Oversight and Government Reform,61 above Lehman Brothers CEO Richard Fuld said a host of factors including a crisis of aplomb and naked short-selling attacks followed by apocryphal rumors contributed to both the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. House board Chairman Henry Waxman said the board accustomed bags of pages of centralized abstracts from Lehman and these abstracts portray a aggregation in which there was “no accountability for failure".626364

An commodity by announcer Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone arguable that naked abbreviate affairs contributed to the annihilation of both Lehman and Bear Stearns.65 A abstraction by accounts advisers at the University of Oklahoma Amount College of Business advised trading in cyberbanking stocks, including Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, and begin "no affirmation that banal amount declines were acquired by naked abbreviate selling".66


On Saturday, September 13, 2008, Timothy F. Geithner, the admiral of the Federal Reserve Coffer of New York, alleged a affair on the approaching of Lehman, which included the achievability of an emergency defalcation of its assets.67 Lehman appear that it had been in talks with Coffer of America and Barclays for the company's accessible sale. However, both Barclays and Coffer of America ultimately beneath to acquirement the absolute company.6768

The next day, Sunday, September 14, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) offered an aberrant trading affair to acquiesce bazaar participants to account positions in assorted derivatives on the activity of a Lehman defalcation afterwards that day.69 Although the defalcation filing absent the deadline, abounding dealers accustomed the trades they fabricated in the appropriate session.70

Lehman Brothers address in New York City on September 15, 2008

Shortly afore 1 am Monday morning (New York time), Lehman Brothers Holdings appear it would book for Chapter 11 defalcation protection71 commendation coffer debt of $613 billion, $155 billion in band debt, and assets account $639 billion.72 It added appear that its subsidiaries would abide to accomplish as normal.71 A accumulation of Wall Street firms agreed to accommodate basic and cyberbanking abetment for the bank's alike defalcation and the Federal Reserve, in turn, agreed to a bandy of lower-quality assets in barter for loans and added abetment from the government.73 The morning witnessed scenes of Lehman advisers removing files, items with the aggregation logo, and added accouterments from the apple address at 745 Seventh Avenue. The comedy connected throughout the day and into the afterward day.

Later that day, the Australian Antithesis Barter (ASX) abeyant Lehman's Australian accessory as a bazaar actor afterwards clearing-houses concluded affairs with the firm.74 Lehman shares confused over 90% on September 15, 2008.7576 The Dow Jones bankrupt down just over 500 credibility on September 15, 2008, which was at the time the better bead in a individual day aback the canicule afterward the attacks on September 11, 2001.77

In the United Kingdom, the investment coffer went into administering with PricewaterhouseCoopers appointed as administrators.78 In Japan, the Japanese branch, Lehman Brothers Japan Inc., and its captivation aggregation filed for civilian about-face on September 16, 2008, in Tokyo District Court.79 On September 17, 2008, the New York Banal Barter delisted Lehman Brothers.80

On March 16, 2011 some three years afterwards filing for defalcation and afterward a filing in a Manhattan U.S. defalcation court, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc appear it would seek creditor approval of its about-face plan by October 14 followed by a acceptance audition to chase on November 17.81


editBarclays acquisition

On Tuesday, September 16, 2008, Barclays plc appear that they would access a "stripped clean" allocation of Lehman for $1.75 billion, including a lot of of Lehman's North America operations.582 On September 20, this transaction was accustomed by U.S. Defalcation Judge James Peck.8384

On September 20, 2008, a revised adaptation of the deal, a $1.35 billion (£700 million) plan for Barclays to access the amount business of Lehman (mainly its $960-million headquarters, a 38-story appointment building85 in Midtown Manhattan, with albatross for 9,000 above employees), was approved. Manhattan cloister defalcation Judge James Peck, afterwards a 7-hour hearing, ruled: "I accept to accept this transaction because it is the alone accessible transaction. Lehman Brothers became a victim, in aftereffect the alone accurate figure to abatement in a tsunami that has befallen the acclaim markets. This is the a lot of momentous defalcation audition I've anytime sat through. It can never be accounted antecedent for approaching cases. It's harder for me to brainstorm a agnate emergency."86

Luc Despins, again a accomplice at Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, the creditors board counsel, said: "The acumen we're not aghast is absolutely based on the abridgement of a applicable alternative. We did not abutment the transaction because there had not been abundant time to appropriately analysis it."citation needed In the adapted agreement, Barclays would blot $47.4 billion in antithesis and accept $45.5 billion in trading liabilities. Lehman's advocate Harvey R. Miller of Weil, Gotshal & Manges, said "the acquirement amount for the absolute acreage apparatus of the accord would be $1.29 billion, including $960 actor for Lehman's New York address and $330 actor for two New Jersey abstracts centers. Lehman's aboriginal appraisement admired its address at $1.02 billion but an appraisement from CB Richard Ellis this anniversary admired it at $900 million."citation needed Further, Barclays will not access Lehman's Eagle Energy unit, but will accept entities accepted as Lehman Brothers Canada Inc, Lehman Brothers Sudamerica, Lehman Brothers Uruguay and its Clandestine Investment Administering business for top net-worth individuals. Finally, Lehman will absorb $20 billion of antithesis assets in Lehman Brothers Inc that are not getting transferred to Barclays.87 Barclays acquired a abeyant accountability of $2.5 billion to be paid as severance, if it chooses not to absorb some Lehman advisers above the affirmed 90 days.8889

editNomura acquisition

Nomura Holdings, Japan's top allowance firm, agreed to buy the Asian analysis of Lehman Brothers for $225 actor and locations of the European analysis for a nominal fee of $2.9091 It would not yield on any trading assets or liabilities in the European units. Nomura adjourned such a low amount because it acquired alone Lehman's advisers in the regions, and not its stocks, bonds or added assets. The endure Lehman Brothers Annual Address articular that these non-US subsidiaries of Lehman Brothers were amenable for over 50% of all-around acquirement produced.92

editSale of Neuberger Berman

On September 29, 2008, Lehman agreed to advertise Neuberger Berman, the aggregate of its investment administering business, to a brace of private-equity firms, Bain Basic Ally and Hellman & Friedman, for $2.15 billion.93 The transaction was accepted to abutting in aboriginal 2009, accountable to approval by the U.S. Defalcation Court,94 but a aggressive bid was entered by the firm's management, who ultimately prevailed in a defalcation bargain on December 3, 2008. Creditors of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. absorb a 49% accepted disinterestedness absorption in the firm, now accepted as Neuberger Berman Accumulation LLC.95 It is the fourth better clandestine employee-controlled asset administering abutting globally, abaft Fidelity Investments, The Basic Accumulation Companies and Wellington Administering Company.

editFinancial fallout

Lehman's defalcation was the better abortion of an investment coffer aback Drexel Burnham Lambert burst amidst artifice allegations 18 years prior.73 Immediately afterward the defalcation filing, an already afflicted cyberbanking bazaar began a aeon of acute volatility, during which the Dow accomplished its better one day point loss, better intra-day ambit (more than 1,000 points) and better circadian point gain. What followed was what abounding accept alleged the “perfect storm” of bread-and-butter ache factors and eventually a $700bn bailout amalgamation (Troubled Asset Relief Program) able by Henry Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, and accustomed by Congress. The Dow eventually bankrupt at a new six-year low of 7,552.29 on November 20, followed by a added bead to 6626 by March of the next year.

The abatement of Lehman aswell had a able aftereffect on baby clandestine investors such as band holders and holders of alleged Minibonds. In Germany structured products, generally based on an index, were awash mostly to clandestine investors, elderly, retired persons, acceptance and families. A lot of of those now abandoned derivatives were awash by the German arm of Citigroup, the German Citibank now endemic by Crédit Mutuel.

editOngoing litigation

On March 11, 2010, Anton R. Valukas, a court-appointed examiner, appear the after-effects of its year-long analysis into the affairs of Lehman Brothers.96 This address appear that Lehman Brothers acclimated an accounting activity termed repo 105 to briefly barter $50 billion of assets into banknote just afore publishing its cyberbanking statements.97 The activity could be apparent to accuse both Ernst & Young, the bank's accountancy abutting and Richard S. Fuld, Jr, the above CEO.98 This could potentially advance to Ernst & Young getting begin accusable of cyberbanking abuse and Fuld adverse time in prison.99

According to the Wall Street Journal, in March 2011, the SEC appear that they weren't assured that they could prove that Lehman Brothers abandoned US laws in its accounting practices.100

In October 2011 the administrators of Lehman Brothers Captivation Inc. absent their address to annul a cloister adjustment banishment them to pay 148 actor pounds into their underfunded pensions plan.

Board of directors

Richard S. Fuld, Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer103

Michael L. Ainslie103

John F. Akers103

Roger S. Berlind103

Thomas Cruikshank103

Marsha Johnson Evans103

Sir Christopher Gent103

Roland A. Hernandez103

Dr. Henry Kaufman103

John D. Macomber103

Former officers

Richard S. Fuld, Jr.

Tom Russo

Scott J. Freidheim

Bart McDade

Joe Gregory

Ion Lowitt

Jessie Bhattal

Jeremy Isaacs (not Sir Jeremy Issacs the British television ambassador and executive)

Hugh McGee

George Walker

Michael Gelband

In popular culture

The contest of the weekend arch up to Lehman's defalcation were dramatized in The Last Days of Lehman Brothers, a 2009 British-made television film.

In the 2010 activated blur Despicable Me, Lehman Brothers is referenced abreast the beginning. The capital appearance campaign to the Coffer of Evil, the coffer that funds all angry plots for villains about the world, to try to yield out a loan. As he passes beneath the banderole with the bank's name, and beneath "Bank of Evil", in baby letters, it reads, "Formerly Lehman Brothers".

The 2011 American absolute ball blur Margin Call focuses on the contest of a 24-hour aeon at a ample investment coffer about modeled on Lehman Brothers.

In the cine Horrible Bosses, the three capital characters run into a above top academy acquaintance at a bar who aforetime formed for Lehman Brothers and had to about-face to corruption afterwards accident his job

Principal locations (first year of occupancy)

17 Court Square, Montgomery, Alabama (1847)*104

119 Liberty Street, New York, NY (1858)104

176 Fulton Street, New York, NY (1865–1866?)18104

133–35 Pearl Street, New York, NY (1867)18104

40 Exchange Place, New York, NY (1876)18104

16 William Street, New York, NY (1892)104

One William Street, New York, NY (1928) **104

55 Water Street (1980) ***105

3 World Financial Center (1985)106

745 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY (2002)107

* Henry Lehman accustomed his aboriginal abundance area on Commerce Street, in Montgomery, in 1845. In 1848, one year afterwards Emanuel's arrival, the brothers confused "H. Lehman & Bro." to 17 Court Square, area it remained if Mayer accustomed in 1850, basic "Lehman Brothers".

** Designated as a battleground by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Committee in 1996.

*** Sales and trading cadre had been in this area back 1977, if they were abutting by the firm's investment bankers and brokers.